Legal Information
Copyright 2022 Ships of State Studio. All rights reserved.
Any copying, reproducing, modifying, republishing, or transporting logos or images from this site, without prior authorization and consent, is strictly prohibited.
Privacy Policy
Ships of State Studio, like many other websites, gathers personal information that is used to enable transactions, such as ordering products. The information that customers provide here will not be shared with any outside parties, unless such is absolutely required by law.
While we cannot guarantee the protection of personal information from outside intrusion, every effort will be made to protect the security of your records.
General Policy
All sales are final. No returns are accepted unless the product was damaged during shipment. If the product was received in damaged condition, please e-mail me for further instructions. The customer has 30 days from the receipt of merchandise to bring this to my attention and/or return the item(s). Returns will be for exchange or credit only. No exceptions.
Payment must be in U.S. dollars by credit card or via PayPal. Foreign currencies are not accepted.
Print orders will be shipped rolled in a special art shipping tube. Shipping will vary dependent on size and number of prints ordered.